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Nos valeurs.


We combine delicate aesthetics and scientific precision to revolutionize learning about sexual health.


We make sexual health information accessible to everyone, without distinction.


En représentant toutes les diversités, nous contribuons à un monde plus juste et inclusif de tous et toutes.


Nos outils renforcent l'autonomie et le partenariat en santé, donnant le pouvoir par la connaissance et le choix éclairé.

Public health

Nous alignons nos ressources avec les stratégies et recommandations de santé publique mondiales.

The team.

  • General and artistic director.

    Saturne Mezzasalma, with a rich and diverse background, distinguished herself in the world of illustration after her studies at ESAAT in Roubaix and at ESAIG Estienne in Paris, where she perfected her art in animated cinema 2D and in medical and scientific illustration.

    His graphic signature, both unique and recognized, has earned him fame in alternative and “lowbrow” art, crowned by multiple exhibitions, mainly in Paris.

    As co-founder of Korpo Real, Saturne has created a captivating visual universe, combining anatomical precision and vibrant aesthetics, making sexual health learning both realistic and accessible. His ability to infuse dynamism and accessibility into his works, without falling into the exclusive technicality of anatomical manuals, defines the visual essence of Korpo Real.

    In addition to her talent as an illustrator, Saturn also shines as a professional singer, adding an extra artistic dimension to her already impressive profile.

  • Président.


    Lou est sage-femme libéral à Toulouse depuis 2017. Sa pratique se distingue par son approche inclusive et axée sur le partenariat dans le soin en santé sexuelle et reproductive. Expert en orthogénie et suivi gynécologique de prévention, il est profondément engagé dans l'éducation et l'empowerment des patient·e·s.

    Lou est reconnu pour ses ateliers innovants en santé intime pour personnes en situation de handicap, ainsi que pour la direction de mémoires universitaires, marquant son engagement académique.

    Depuis 2023, il élargit son impact en formant les professionnels de santé sur l'orthogénie et l'accueil des personnes trans et non binaires en santé sexuelle et reproductive.

    Cofondateur de Korpo Real, Lou, en tant que Président, et Saturne, Directrice Générale et Artistique, ont uni leurs forces pour offrir des ressources pédagogiques qui révolutionnent l'apprentissage en santé sexuelle, soulignant leur engagement commun à promouvoir une pratique respectueuse et informée.

Korpo Real, social and solidarity economy company.

Utilité sociale

Social utility refers to the positive impact on society. It encompasses activities that meet a social need, contributing to the well-being of the community, improving the quality of life, and resolving social or environmental problems.

Lucrativité limitée

The company reinvests the majority of its profits in pursuit of its social, environmental or community goals, instead of maximizing gains for shareholders or owners. This approach favors social and sustainable impact over short-term profit, by aligning the company's activities with ethical and responsible values.

Gouvernance démocratique

Decision-making system based on the equal participation of all members or stakeholders. This approach ensures that everyone involved has a voice in important decisions, promoting transparency, accountability and alignment with the organization's collective values and goals.

Territorial anchoring

Commitment and integration of the company into its local or regional environment. Active collaboration with local stakeholders, contribution to the economic and social development of the region, and consideration of the specific needs of the local community in the company's activities and projects.

Partenaires et fabriquants.

RMP services

Fabrication de la boîte ELEKTO

Union (31), France

Reprocolor 31

Printing of anatomical plates

L'Union (31), France

Vice versa

Traduction en Langue des Signes Française

Toulouse (31), France


Centre d'Édition et de Transcription en Braille

Toulouse (31), France

Nous contacter

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